Doha, Qatar
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Assigned By: SHI studio.
"A garden is not made in a year; indeed, it is never made in the sense of finality. It grows, and with the labor of love should go on growing." - Frederick William Burbidge
Designed to be a meticulous and artistic process that harmoniously blends the natural elements of a space to create a visually appealing and functional outdoor environment...
Layout of the Garden
Diagram 1: Activities Diagram
Diagram 2 (left): Circulation & Access
Diagram 3 (Right): Natural Elements
Ultimately, landscape design is an art form that transcends the boundaries between the built and natural environments, enriching our daily lives with beauty and functionality.
Through the thoughtful selection of plants, hardscape elements, and strategic placement of features such as pathways, water features, and seating areas, a well-executed design not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of a space but also fosters a connection between people and their surroundings.
The state-of-the-art Padel Court, a focal point for sports enthusiasts........
The family gathers around a well-set outdoor table, adorned with colorful tablecloths, fresh flowers, and perhaps some ambient lighting to create a cozy atmosphere. The natural surroundings add an extra layer of charm, whether it's a lush garden, a beachfront, or a scenic mountain view.
This oasis is designed to cater to families, combining the thrill of falconry, the joy of a kids› swimming pool, the excitement of a padel court, and the tranquility of thoughtfully crafted adult seating areas.
As the day progresses, the atmosphere can shift. In the late afternoon or early evening, the pool area takes on a different charm. The setting sun casts a warm glow over the water, creating a serene ambiance. Evening swims under the stars or poolside gatherings with friends and family become a delightful extension of the experience.
Picture a warm, sunny day or a pleasant evening with a gentle breeze......
Imagine stepping into the garden under the soft glow of strategically placed outdoor lights. Fairy lights twinkle in the trees, lanterns illuminate pathways, and perhaps there's a gentle flicker of candles on tables. The air is filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers, creating a sensory-rich environment.
A kids' playground is a vibrant, energetic, and joyous adventure that captures the essence of childhood play. We designed this space to provide a safe and stimulating environment where children can engage in physical activity, socialize, and let their imaginations run wild.
A treehouse and tree seating offer unique and enchanting ways to connect with nature, providing spaces that blend seamlessly with the outdoors while offering a sense of adventure and tranquility....
"To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves." 
- Mahatma Gandhi
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